

It’s been a while since my last post.  I felt that I had nothing “post worthy”.  That even after an incredible trip to Honduras and then to Colorado, none of my photos or thoughts seemed adequate for this blog.  I have been back in California for just over a week now, yet my mind seems to be staying in “transition mode” longer than normal.  Whenever I travel, my mind is overwhelmed. Going from place to place, it’s as though I take a step back from the world and see things from a new perspective. So many things. It can be quite overwhelming, with so many thoughts, ideas, and realities coming into focus at once, it becomes difficult to differentiate one thought from another and the whole thing might as well remain a blur.  As I was talking to a friend yesterday I realized that it is not that I have nothing suitable to post, but instead I am still overwhelmed with photos, thoughts and stories which I am in the process of  trying to sort out.

This photo is one from my recent trip to Honduras.  It was taken during a two hour drive into the mountains on curvy, hilly, bumpy dirt roads along cliffs.  It was a beautiful drive.  Though not the most comfortable trip, I didn’t mind it at all.  For me, going is the easy part.  When traveling, whether by car, bus, plane, train, etc….you get to see parts of the world that you otherwise may never see.  You get a glance at different scenery and different cultures as if taking a silent tour through a live museum.  While you’re traveling, there is a sense of excitement; anticipation of what is to come. But once you arrive…that’s where the transition begins.  The excitement is gone, the unknown revealed.  Everything stops and you wonder, “what now?”.